Monday, December 23, 2013

West coast adventure: seattle

So my west coast adventure has officially started! Gotta be honest, it started in a VERY bad way! 
On friday, i went to the airport and everything was perfect and stuff and 10min before boarding, i decided to go to the toilet one more time! So i go in and did my thing and right before i flush the toilet, i notice this blue thing INSIDE THE TOILET!!!!  It was my freaking PASSPORT!!!!! It was in the back pocket of my pants and it must have fallen when i pulled down my pants!!!! Omg!!! I almost flushed my passport 10min before boarding!!!!!! 
So i put my hand inside and pull it out, all covered with urine *cries* i was hyperventilating all freaked out AND DISGUSTED!!! Since it was all wet already, i decided to wash it with water coz i cant be walkin around with a smelly passport!! So i wash it and then it hit me!!!! N it hit me really hard!!! This terminal didnt have any of these air hand dryer coz thats what i was counting on when i decided to wash it!!!! *GULPS*
So i run around like a headless chicken lookin for customers services to get some help!! N they do confirm that there is no air dryer in the whole terminal *heart attack*
At that moment, i really felt like crying!! I was really looking forward for that vacation n now my passport n boarding pass all got ruined!!!
So i went to the gate hoping that they would let me through n god i was lucky enough that they did :) they reprinted my boarding pass n let me get on that flight :) n my passport got dry after 5hrs on that plane so it wasnt an issue when i reached the states and i ironed the pages n now its all brand new lol
My work permit got really wet and torn so i hope it wont be an issue when i return to canada :(

Seattle, Oh seattle!
Seattle is known for coffee and guess what? Their coffee is so damn good!!! Just when i decided that ill be drinking no more coffee, i got hooked again!! But u know what! Its worth ruining my resolution!! I tried the top 2 coffee houses in seattle

Vivace has white velvet coffee which was orgasmic so definitely coffee is a must in seattle. Ohh and speaking of coffee, did you know that the first starbucks ever on the planet started in seattle!! Its located in the market and the que was ridiculously too long!!! the other addiction was FOOD!! It had all these bakeries and really special food store that i couldnt resist trying!! From chocolate factories to piroshkies and frozen custard!!! My god, i think ive put on all the weight that ive lost the past 3 months!! I ate untill sickness lol!!! Gourmet food tours are common attraction in seattle too!!!

I spent 2 days exploring downtown seattle! In winter, its rainy most of the time but their rain is soo cute!! Its like light showers!!!! The city is big, clean and surprisingly very environmental friendly! Their taxis are hybrids and most of the receipts  are emailed rather than printed!  Maybe coz they are trying to compensate for how industrial the city is ??

I noticed that there were alot of native americans in seattle and sadly lots of homeless! Some part of the city can be a bit scary at night!!
We walked around! Pike public market is a big attraction in seattle and was my fav one too! It was the biggest farmers market that ive ever been too!! Pretty amazing but really crowded!! Then we went to capitol hill aka the gay village . Its a very funky place with lots of pot  bars! Yep weed os legal in WA !*theworldiscomingtoanend*
And if you ever decided to visit that place, DONT WALK TO IT!! It was called capitol HILL for a reason!! It is located on a hill and walking up the hill is REALLY BRUTAL!!!!!!

International district/ china town was an interesting section too! This was the smallest and quietest china town that ive ever seen lol! Its SOOO BIZARRE!!! But it had a HUGE JAPANESE GROCERY STORE with lots of pocky and peppero flavors!! B HELLO PANDAS ❤️❤️❤️❤️ TOO bad, the only kitkat flavor they had was green tea :(

People in seattle are REALLY friendly!!! They smile at you, offer you help and definitely would start conversations with you if you were waiting in line! I really loved em! *malat3alaeltorontonian*
Hmmm i just realized something! Comparing to toronto, seattle has lots of white ppl as in real americans and not immigrants like in toronto, maybe thats why they were really friendly ??

Even at the airport, ppl were SUPER SWEET!! Lots of the officers that i dealt with there , were ppl who served in kuwait and it felt so good to hear that they enjoyed their time and all in kuwait :)

Okaaaay! Review time!!

Sea-tac airport: small yet very sufficient airport!! Had lots of good dinning options n good gift stores, free wifi and live music entertainment! U cant get that bored there

Seattle city:
City itself is clean and very environment friendly. Attraction wise; its not new york but its definitely nice to chillax there! Washington state is known as the ever green state so in the summer, it is really green and beautiful so definitely im coming back for a week full of hiking n camping!!
Mount rainneer looked majestic n beautiful n i had my eye on its peak so definitely its the best state for outdoors activities

Extremely friendly, helpful and sweet!! Its not as multicultural as toronto or NY! I guess the majority here were americans or native americans

CHEAP COMPARING TO TORONTO!!!! their tax is 9.5% kelish mo shewaya but i havnt done any shopping sp i cant judge but definitely food and public transport system were alot cheaper than canada

1.Pike public market if ur a fan of farmer markets! It has everythinh starting from fruits, veggie, fresh bread n cheese, crafts and souvenirs 
2. Coffee!!! The best fresh roasted coffee ull ever drink! If ur a starbucks loyal fan, then get ur coffee from the first starbucks ever but i gotta warn you, the line is huge!!! Im not a fan so i decided to skip it but i was lucky enough to try their coffee on board of alaska airline lol

3. Food tours!! Dont forget to try piroshky piroshky!! Oh seattle is famous for sea food if ur a big fan!!
4. Japanese district if ur into japanese culturs
5. OUTDOORS!!!! Mount rainneer!!!

I am writing this on my flight to my next state, the state of sunshine California. 
I could need some sunshine n less clothing now lol! Im excited!

LA, dont disappoint me now..

Monday, December 16, 2013


I never understood how these toilet covers are helpful??? I dont know if its me not knowing how to use em properly or if it they are indeed useless but everytime i use em, i create a mess lol!
Its either i end up splashing urine all over it or it gets stuck to my skin or both, so stuck on me with piss all over lol !!

Seriously, what the hell am i doing wrong here lol !!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

polar bear dip !!

Im a cat when it comes to water. I really really REALLY hate getting wet and i have hard time getting myself to shower lol just kidding!! 
And cold is just something that could make me cry! True, i live in one of the coldest countries in the world but i dont think i can ever get used to ut! There were days when i was tearful because i was stuck in the cold weather! Id rather be stabbed, kicked or ran over by a car rather than having to endure cold atmosphere!!  
So if we combine water and cold weather = SUICIDE!! 
since ive been feeling really depressed lAtely, guess i am a bit suicidal at the moment so ive decided to go ahead and do the polar bear dip

I was kidding about being suicidal but not about doing it !! I am determined to do it !!
it is crazy, it is frightening , it IS EXCITING !!!! my new motto for the new year is '' BE DARING ''. i am determined to do everything that i am scared of. plus i think this could be a good training for me for the tough mudder since it involves jumping into an icy pool lol

my only problem is that i have not found some one who is crazy enough to join me lol .. plus i need a SPOTTER lol, i need some one to make sure that ill come back alive lol .. lets see if i can find any crazy/brave enough to join me lol :P

happy new year suckers ;P

the west coast

the count down to the west coast adventure has started ! god i can't wait to get away from the cold weather here !! i need my sunshine!! i need to be kissed by the sunshine and need to feel the sand between my toes .. 
 unfortunately, the cold has shot me down once again.. keelish mo waqta !!! i woke up coughing with sore throat and a body that felt as if it was ran over by a truck !!! i need to recover within 48hrs or my trip will be all wasted *sniff sniff *!! that means ill need to consume all the garlic and ginger in the world lol 
so 3 days at seattle to meet my special one <3 a="" and="" boy="" catching="" div="" do="" exploring="" got="" lot="" of="" oh="" p="" seattle="" spend="" time="" to="" up="" we="" will="">
4 days in LA .. i wish i could've spent more time there .. there is no such to see and do .. but definitely, ill be coming back for more.. i got my eye on that west coast road trip.. maybe sometime in the summer and then ill even get a chance to surf too
4 days in las vegas .. I'm not super excited about it to be honest. I'm not into busy exciting cities like vegas or new york but I'm looking forward to see the Grand Canyon :D 
2 days in san francisco and then unfortunately ill need to go back to work .. sigh ..
its not much but i could need some time off right now plus i really miss my best friend and I'm super excited to see her .. i think we made a big progress and managed to meet once a year in different part of the world lol .. kuwait, oman, dubai and now the states .. next time, it will be canada inshalla lol 

anyway, i need to find a magic pill that will help me get better by friday :s

california, here i come *cough cough (

Friday, December 6, 2013


Siri is the stupidest app in the whole entire world! I hate her!! "3abia!!!

So since last year, ive bee. Really wanting to go to st jacob's farmer market! Its a unique farmer market about 1.5-2hrs away from toronto located in st jacob which is a small Mennonite/amish community! I love cultures and community abd definitely the amish caught my interest and ive always wanted to go and see how they live and stuff! I almost gone but then the market was burnt down n i had to wait till it was repaired!
Then whoever promised to take me kept canceling on me and i got so fristrated n decided to get myself there! 
So i got a license and a car! 
Anyway so saturday was the big day!! Ive been planning that for a month!! Some friends decided to join me so that got me more excited!
We rented a car and asked 3amaty siri to take us to st jacobs !!!
Bs siri was drunk or something n kept asking us to DRIVE INTO BUILDINGS!! It got us totally lost and we ended up on a different highway and it kept saying go forward when in reality, i knew we are going the opposite way!! 
Anyway after 10min, she was like " calculating " and indicated that we are 10min out of the way lol! Anyway the next sign said 100km to niagara falls so we were like, what the hell!!! We lost alot of time n gas getting lost so we were like lets go to Niagara then! Theyve never been there so it was a very exciting experience for them!
We spent an exciting cold day at niagara falls! It was fun until we came back. Coz miss siri decided to drive me crazy again!!!
I was supposed to return the car by 11pm. I was in downtown by 9:15pm and i parked the car at 11:05!! I spent almost 2hrs driving around the SAME BLOCK!!!! siri was giving me the wrong direction!! I almost parked the car on the side and cried!!! I was getting very frustrated and angry!!!
I was drained by the end of the day coz of these useless drives around the city!!!
ANYWAY, the point here is, SIRI SUCKS and i bought myself a GPS for xmas lol

Sunday, December 1, 2013

documentary: we were children

we were children is a documentary made recently and discussed residential schools in canada. there is a very ugly part of canadian history and that is residential schools and the way they treated aboriginal people. when the white people came to canada, they took over the land and killed lots of aboriginal people. aboriginal, red indians, native americans or first nations, these are different labels for the true owner of north america. i thought americans were the evil ones but it turned out that canadian history is as dark and as cruel as the american history.

the native americans were called the savages .. they took over their land and they gave them a small piece of land in the middle of no where and those are the '' reserves ''. away from civilisation, away from major source of electricity and water, aboriginal lived a very hard life in those reserves.

these reserves are the ones in brown, most of them located in the cold part of canada were mothet nature is brutal and life is not easy at all. these reserves are so remote that you need a plane and prolly 3-6 hrs drive to go to these places .. and since they are remote and cold, they import most pf their prducts thus its extremely expensive 

this is sold for 4-6 dollars in any canadian city while its sold of almost 13 dollars in these reserves cz its imported !! not only food is expensive, but jobs are not available there .. they live in slums and they got no services .. my program sends residents there for couple of days to offer medical services .. doctors need to fly into these places to help those people .. this is how the natives, the aboriginal people are treated in canada now days .. but their past is even darker and sadder .
their kids had to go to whats called '' residential schools '':

from wikipedia:
The Indian residential schools of Canada were a network of "residential" (boarding) schools for Aboriginal peoples of Canada (First Nations ["Indians"], Metis, and Inuit [formerly "Eskimos"]) funded by the Canadian government's Department of Indian Affairs, and administered by Christian churches, most notably the Catholic Church in Canada and the Anglican Church of Canada. The system had origins in pre-Confederation times, but was primarily active following the passage of the Indian Act in 1876, until the mid-twentieth century. An amendment to the Indian Act in 1884 made attendance at a day, industrial or residential school compulsory for First Nations children and, in some parts of the country, residential schools were the only option.[1] The number of residential schools reached 80 in 1931 but decreased in the years that followed. The last federally operated residential school was closed in 1996. In total, about 150,000 First Nations children passed through the residential school system.[2]  consensus emerged in the early twenty-first century that the latter schools did significant harm to Aboriginal children who attended them by removing them from their familiesdepriving them of their ancestral languages, exposing many of them to physical and sexual abuse at the hands of staff and other students, and later enfranchising them forcibly. This consensus was symbolized by the June 11, 2008 public apology offered, not only by Prime Minister Stephen Harper on behalf of the Government of Canada, but also by the leaders of all the other parties in the Canadian House of Commons

that documentary discussed 2 true stores of survival of residential schools. it showed how they were forced to go to these boarding schools at such young age, they were forced to speak english and forced to convert to christianity. these kids were taken away from their families and alot of them never saw their families until they graduated. the documentary showed how, although these schools were managed by priests and nuns, but alot of these kids were physically and SEXUALLY abused by them. it was such a heart breaking documentary to be watched. 

most of the aboriginal nowdays are homeless, jobless and alot of them are on drugs. i met one aboriginal guy at the emergency room once and he said that he doesnt recall being breastfed but he recalls growing up snorting cocaine.  alot of them are doing drugs as a way of self medicating . most of them were traumatised and they drink or do drugs to forget about their past.  it is a very sad reality .
to have your land being taken away from you, to be punished for speaking your own language and to be forced to believe what others want you to believe and then to be thrown away to face this life with no support .. what kind of a life is that ...

i definitely recommend this documentary so you can see how cruel humans can be.