this is where i retire at night. i wrap myself up and shut the world off. its funny how big my bed is, yet im always sleeping on my side .. i think i need to invest more time in this place ..
can you see that little world map next to my bed? this is my dream up there ..
this is my kingdom . i love how sunny this place can be with all the high windows .. sadly winter is coming so less sunshine and probably this place will turn into an ice cube . can you see that paige sofa? this is where i sleep on the weekends. not because its super comfty but also because it reminds me of home for some reason. so everytime im home sick, i end up sleeping there ..
this is where i have my daily battle .. my thoughts seem to get out of control everytime im sitting on this table. my brain cells will do anything but study. atleast i try,and you can see the evidence of my failed attempts.
this is baby K, a very special gift from a special person. this is the beginning of a great adventure and an athletic life.
this is my playground. this is where i spent most of my time if i was home. food and cooking is such a passion for me. curently, im focusing on creating healthy clean food.
this is my view. its a beautiful west view of the city
more like 1 million dollar view, dont u think so :). you can see the CN tower at the back
i got another view of the valley .. too bad that its a bad picture, you couldve seen the leaf changes there
this is where i live. such a high fancy tower. too bad, people here are not so friendly. this is my place for now, im planning to move out in may .. yes AGAIN.
this is my neighbourhood/ fereej .. not the best place ever. i got a shelter next door, a strip club and a marijuina store around the corner . hmmmm
my most likely way of transport .
thats a little map on top of the door, of all the destination that you can go to by the subway.
so this is me .. and this is my life ..